5 Main Types Of Online Shoppers Across the Globe

There’s a lot of talk about the future of retail and how technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality are going to change it. But while these emerging technologies will certainly have an impact on shopping behaviour, there are some things that are unlikely ever to change.

We all want to shop in a way that suits our busy lives, but we also want to feel confident that we’re getting the best value for money. And no matter how much we love technology, the majority of us still like to buy from real people. Here, we will discuss the five main different types of online shoppers across the globe.

The Types of Online Shoppers are:

1. Emotionally Attached Shoppers

Get ready to throw your money at the screen.

These shoppers buy things because they like them. They buy things they don’t need and don’t use, just to have them on hand in case they need them one day. They also buy things to impress others or for impressing themselves—for example, a new fancy phone for business purposes or a brand-new car that screams “money bags” (even if you can’t afford it). 

Emotionally Attached Shoppers are often addicted to shopping because of this impulsiveness and may spend more than their budget allows on unnecessary purchases.  The demographics of online shoppers are changing, as the Internet becomes more ubiquitous and consumers continue to shop online. As a result, companies that sell online need to adapt their marketing strategies to reach these new customers.

2. Price-Driven Shoppers

The price-driven buyer personas are always looking for the best value for money. While these online shoppers are willing to do their research, they are not loyal to any brand or store and will spend time comparing the prices of different products from different stores. Fortunately, there are quite a few tools available to help them do this, such as price comparison websites and apps that allow you to scan barcodes and QR codes to find the best deal.

Price-driven shoppers often seek out sales or discounts on their purchases. This type of shopper may also be more inclined to buy used items such as refurbished electronics, secondhand clothing that’s still in good condition or factory seconds items that have minor defects but sell at a reduced rate. However, shoppers online order more than two million products every day.

3. Expert Shoppers

Buyer personas for online shoppers who use the internet to research products and brands, essentially using the internet as a tool. There is no particular brand they prefer over another – they just want to be sure that they are making the right choice. They have specific needs and wants when it comes to their product of interest and no brand will do. They’re willing to invest more time in learning as much as possible about a product, its features, pros and cons before finally buying anything.

Price is definitely an important factor for them, but the quality is even more so. They want to spend enough on a good product that will last them for many years (rather than wasting money on cheap and low-quality products). However, this doesn’t mean that expert shoppers online shopping are not willing to pay less for better quality products – they are always looking for a better deal!

4. Hyperactive Shoppers

If you’ve ever found yourself buying something for free shipping, then you might be a Hyperactive Shopper. Hyperactive Shoppers are the most impulsive group, making up only 19.2% of all online shoppers. They consist mostly of young males who buy mostly low-cost items that don’t require much consideration or thought to purchase. Also known as “impulse buyers,” this group is very quick to make a purchase when given an opportunity and is susceptible to sales and discounts.

Hyperactive online shoppers’ purchasing intentions, who usually have the lowest annual income and education levels compared to other groups, make sense because they’re so easily tempted by offers such as free shipping and online shopping promo codes. They tend to have basic e-commerce preferences, but these attractive offers can add significantly to retailers’ cost basis.

5. Rational Shoppers

The fifth and final type of shopper is the rational shopper. These are people who approach shopping for various reasons, including:

  • Shopping for Others: This tends to be a more utilitarian experience than other types of shopping. The goal is to spend as little time and money as possible finding gifts for other people.
  • Shopping for Essentials: Whether it’s food shopping or replacement products, this type of person isn’t looking to enjoy themselves while they shop. It’s all about getting what they need as quickly as possible and getting out.
  • Shopping for Status/Prestige: These consumers aren’t necessarily interested in having a good time while they shop (though some do), but rather seek prestige in buying particular brands or products that signal social status to others.
  • Shopping as an Activity: Many people feel a sense of euphoria when they find a great deal, even if it isn’t on something they particularly desire or need at the moment. Others enjoy shopping just for the sake of it—whether that’s browsing online stores with no intention of buying or wandering around brick-and-mortar stores with no goal in mind except exploration.

Final Words:

If you’re an eCommerce retailer, knowing exactly who your customers are and what they want is critical in providing them with the best shopping experience possible. However, the modern shopper rejects labels, and, while they might stay loyal to one particular platform or one favored retailer, they rarely settle down with just one. The eCommerce industry needs to be ready to offer consumers a variety of options, to give shoppers what they want: products at affordable prices—the rest should be left up to them.

Understanding the differences between each demographic profile can help you tailor your online marketing efforts to suit their needs and wants. With a better idea of what your potential customers want, you can more easily achieve your conversion rates.

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