Voice search and its importance for SEO

If you find yourself saying,” Hey Google!” or “Hey Siri!” at random times during the day, then know that you are not the only one doing this. With voice search simplifying how we work these days, it is only logical for an SEO company to optimize voice search for better ranking. If voice search isn’t part of your SEO strategy, it is time to upgrade to an advanced marketing strategy. 

If your website isn’t optimized for voice search, you may be missing out on a significant chunk of traffic because people aren’t searching your company the way you think. People find voice search convenient to find information about businesses, products, and services. As marketers, the impact of voice search on SEO must be carefully considered. 

What is voice search?

Voice search is the method of searching for queries on the internet using speech. For example, one can use it to find out cafes nearby, home delivery applications, get directions to a location, and place orders. The device on which the voice search is performed uses artificial intelligence to recognize voices and place search requests on the internet. 

Voice search has been around for a significant period, but only in the past decade has it become famous once advanced technology was integrated. The accessibility of this technology is what makes it so popular with people today. Some of the popular voice search devices that we use are:

  • Amazon Echo/Alexa
  • Google Assistant
  • Siri on iPhones
  • Google on Android phones and devices
  • Google Home

Five ways an SEO company can optimize voice search

Everywhere you look, you will see innumerable voice search devices in use. It is enough proof that voice search is here to stay. For SEO services USA, the best part of integrating voice search into SEO is that you don’t have to tear up your current SEO strategy. Voice search can be easily integrated through which it matches the user intent and provides them with the best user experience. 

Optimize voice search for local SEO

Most of the time, voice searches are made for local areas rather than for texting. It makes sense because most people find out information on the go, like asking about the traffic situation on the route and texting back to people conveniently later. In addition, the mobile device makes local voice searches more effortless; therefore, you shouldn’t ignore this component of SEO. 

Most digital marketing services already place emphasis more on local SEO. This is because customers from nearby areas show up at the store and make their purchases. For brick-and-mortar businesses, local SEO is where they can get maximum engagement and sales. The rules of local SEO aren’t much different from regular SEO. 

The critical thing to remember is that you are creating content that caters to your local audience. You should ensure that you are answering queries of people by:

  • Integrating local keywords in your content
  • Using phrases that people use to describe your geographical location
  • Having “near me” in your title, meta descriptions, internal links, and anchor text
  • Specifying landmarks around your location

Create concise and conversational content

Gone are those days when you could stuff keywords into your context and get away with it. Lately, content that is concise, authentic, and provides value to readers is what excels in SEO. Voice search makes this easier as people are themselves and their original tone and language when speaking than when they type in a query. 

The content that ranks well on SEO now is user experience-based. An SEO company that answers queries in the best way possible and by sharing its best experience will find its way to the top rank of search engine results. Your content needs to be concise and as natural as possible to accomplish this. 

Use structured data

Users want to-the-point answers to their queries. The only way to do this is to structure data for SEO. Search engines consider multiple factors while determining the ranking of a website on their pages. Structured data is one of those factors that makes it easier for them to decide. 

Structured data, also known as schema makeup, is the factor that an SEO company should look forward to using. It may not directly increase ranking but gives a website better results than its competitors, especially for voice search inquiries. It can be understood as the metadata that an SEO company uses to describe the content of its link. Search engines use this data to understand the information provided on the page and then progress it further. Structured data is an underestimated strategy that works optimally in the long run. 

Optimize for mobile devices

Most voice searches are made via a mobile device, without a doubt. If your website isn’t optimized for a mobile device, then people will quit your website if it doesn’t load on their device. Mobile optimization is integral to Google’s algorithms, and it is high time for all websites to upgrade themselves. 

Claim your Google My Business listing

Your Google My Business listing is integral to local SEO and voice search. This is because people use voice search to find more information about your business, such as your address, contact numbers, and operational hours. Google must have accurate information about the same so that people get reliable results. 

Your website and structured data help Google sort through the information and answer queries. For example, when you claim your Google My Business listing, you are helping Google get access to the correct information about your business. Structured data will also aid Google in giving the needed answers to people who ask. 

In conclusion, voice search for an SEO company

Since countless voice searches happen every minute of the day, an SEO company should focus on regularly optimizing their website and the content or voice search. Voice search has changed the way people find information, and search engines have responded by updating their algorithms. It is time for your SEO company to do the same. 

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